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Tuesday, December 30th, 2003
[Entry 11]

this town is our town...

I really feel like a loser, my friends. I watched two episodes of Band of Brothers, three and a half episodes of Simple Life, and two episodes of Rich Girls...all in a row. I'm justifying it because I may be getting sick...

See, I went for my physical this morning. My doctor asked if I was feeling alright because my lymph nodes were swollen. I feel fine...but my dad's been sick, my brother is sick, my mom and sister are now sick. So it's destined to be...unless I curtail any sickness by taking it easy...I think 5 hours of tv constitutes as "taking it easy."

I'm really kind of sad to see Rich Girls ending. I think Ally Haflinger is a decent person. Like the way she is simply walking into her dad's business and taking over the juniors line. Of course the designers are going to be pissed about it...but the fact she sees it...I think that says a lot about her (the fact she's even worried about upsetting those people). Her ideas, however, seem awesome. The junior Haflinger line is indeed in desperate need of a revamp. Who knows, maybe if she gets her way, I'll purchase Haflinger clothing for myself. I mean, it would be fabulous if I could exclusively wear Miss Sixty and Diesel all the time...but reality screams "not in your budget missy!" I just get frustrated at the lack of originality in junior departments...and I'm forced to still wear juniors because juniors fit me...I can't fit into women's clothing. And it's tough because I don't want to dress super sophisticated, but I don't want to wear stuff 14 year olds wear, either. I think there's a huge market for people like myself. Kind of runs along the same lines as the demand I think there is for a petite line for women in their 20s to mid-30s.

Oh yeah. My physical. I had to get blood drawn [as I mentioned last night]. The nurse said, "Time for everyone's favorite." But really, I don't care about getting blood taken. It was only 3 vials. PIECE OF CAKE! When my mom freaked out about me dropping weight, she forced me to the go to the doctor in the summer of 2001 (I would have put the link to the journal entry here, but alas, that journal entry is not online, sorry!). I thought she was crazy until I was weighed...and I saw that I lost like 10/15 pounds for no reason whatsoever...and it scared me. Anyway, couldn't figure out what was wrong, so they sent me to the hospital for complete bloodwork. Hello NINE vials of blood. NINE! That was just horseshit! And everything came back fine!

One more day left in the year. Crazy shit.