JUNE 27, 1998

Main Set...
Interstellar Overdrive, Corduroy, Hail, Hail, Brain of J, Last Exit, Tremor Christ, Given to Fly, Jeremy, Faithfull, Nothingman, Improv, MFC, Habit, Off He Goes, Even Flow, Once, All Those Yesterdays, Go, Immortality
First Encore...
Do the Evolution, Leatherman, Better Man/jam/Rearviewmirror, Wishlist, Alive, Smile

    Warning: If you are a slut, drunk frat boy, or along that line of that type of character, this diddy might offend you and you may want to skip onto Chicago...

    This was written directly after the second night...I was crabby...but it's the truth man...so I am leaving it AS IS..hehehehe...

    June 27th:

    Let me start off by getting a few things off my chest...I hate...sluts...people that only know "Jeremy"...drunk, shirtless, frat boys...I think that's it...

    Today was...different...from the first night. At least for me. I had lawn. That is the last time I ever sit on the lawn for a Pearl Jam concert. I don't care if I have to pay hundreds of dollars for the last seat in pavilion. I'm just so mad that idiots on the lawn ruined a beautiful show for me.

    Sitting on the lawn with my mom and the "Fargo Boys"(these guys that my mom met on the 26th on the lawn. They all lived in Fargo, ND...one totally looked like he was from the band "Sloan") and all of a sudden...conversation sparked up between me and two guys sitting next to me. One turned out to be active on the internet(Ezra)...and I had seen his name before. We talked tons before Frank Black came on. By the time Frank Black came onstage, people were already being inconsiderate to those who ran for dear life for a good spot on the lawn. Stupid whores behind us bitched throughout Frank's set...then started to rant and rave about how "hot Eddie is" and how long they've had a crush on him. Make me want to barf. Grrrrr. I hate that.

    Anyhow, I enjoyed Frank's set more the night before, but I really enjoyed his one song that I liked the night before as well. It sounds pretty hardcore...pretty cool...

    Oh, forgot to say, before the gates even opened, we made a "pact" with the Fargo Boys...we would all run for the border and whoever got there first (as in front of the lawn)...would save everyone a seat. We were running from different gates and we all got to our destination at the same time. We were probably ten feet from the front of the lawn...not too shabby.

    Our area became really crowded right before PJ hit the stage...as did a woman in our area barf...pretty sad when you're blasted before the band even hits the stage. They hit the stage at 8:45 (Central Time). Opener for tonight: "Corduroy". Totally kickass. Many people were singing along tonight, but it seemed like there were more hardcore fans and more people that were into it the first night.

    I had a perfect view of the stage...that is until a groups of about seven shirtless frat boys shoved their way into our area. They were a nuisance for the entire show. They huddled...they slam danced...they jumped in unison. No one could see and we had to worry about the assholes shoving people into us. When I was able to see, I would pay attention to the show: not just listen. Ed was really in a dancing mood tonight...dancing for many of the songs...

    Mike played solos behind his back...totally ON. we didn't get the "man trilogy", but all three ("Nothingman", "Better Man", and "Leatherman") were played. "Leatherman" was SO great to hear, as was Nothingman. They also opened with "Interstellar Overdrive"...which was great...they also performed SOMETHING...a cover? Improv? New song? No matter-it was beautiful!

    During one of the encores, can't remember what song...Ed waved a towel like a bullfighter and Jeff charged. How cute:-) They ended with "Smile". So EXCELLENT! Stone on bass and Jeff on gee-tar...fucking awesome! Comments made throughout the show...Ed was stuck on the cheeseheads..."Habit"...something like, "Speaking as a person whose never worn an orange (he did say orange) styrofoam thing on his head." Everyone cheered for that:-) Later he cleared up that he was not putting down Cheeseheads...he actually had one at home that we wore around...it got him "chicks". Uh-huh Ed:-)

    Since I couldn't even see the video screens nor the stage for 3/4 of the concert, I had to depend on my ears...what I heard was great...it was just frustrating because I was there but it just doesn't feel like it because I couldn't enjoy myself. Oh well, I learned my lesson on the lawn. Next stop: Chicago baybee:-)

    *Add: "All Those Yesterdays" was just amazing...too bad the crowd wasn't as into it as I was. Thrilling. Although I couldn't see those boyz...sure know how to put on a show!

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