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Saturday, December 31st, 2005
[Entry 440]
Currently Rocking...
Not Rocking At All...
Dry hands

i've seen it all before...

So I suppose I should do a yearly I attempt to do (poorly) every year.

The year pretty much started off with me searching for my own place. Out of boredom, I searched a real estate website, found a really cheap condo near my parents house...and the curiousity really got to me. It wasn't the condo I ended up with...but little did I know that would be the beginning of a search that lasted a couple of months. House? Condo? House? Condo? I used to think looking at houses was fun...and it was fun in the beginning. Then it just got plain old annoying.

I finally ended up with a place...definitely wasn't "move in ready." Spending the time remodeling it was awesome, though. A good solid month and a half. Amazing what a little elbow grease will do.

I've never spent so much money as I spent this year. Besides the whole mortgage thing...stuff you need when you move out is insane. Not to mention I didn't want my place to look like a craphole. I'm just glad I'm not into knick-knacks...I saved a lot of money not buying clutter.

Lazyness? Yeah, I got lots of it...but at least I can feel less guilty about it because I force myself to exercise now at least twice a week. I know I must bore those who read this faithfully with my "Jazzercise this...Jazzercise that." I amaze myself sometimes..."Why can I not shut up about it?" I guess cause it's fun and rewarding. It's that simple.

Two awesome cats were added to the fam. Little Miss Priss Coco and rough and tumble Isaac. Isaac is definitely no gay cat...he just likes to hump my blankets (??? and he's neutered, go figure).

Got to see PJ friends throughout the year...the little Canada run, couple trips to Chicago (skeeball rules), and Bowman's randomness thru town.

All in all, 2005 was a good year. A busy year, but a good one.

Best wishes to everyone for an awesome 2006!