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Friday, January 2nd, 2004
[Entry 14]

take note to the brand new dance...

Today I went to the orthodontist. And while I anticipated became official today. The date is set for braces removal: February 2nd. What a way to ring in Yield Day, 2004! ;-) I think I've gushed before...but I seriously love my orthodontist's office. All the assistants are great...the orthodontist is great! I walked in today and the assistant who usually works on me was all, "I had no idea you were scheduled today! I got so excited when I had to pull your chart!" And then, my name-twin assistant was all, "Yay! Jessica's here!" I swear, I think all the 12 year olds felt very slighted. The other (third) assistant that used to work with me a lot started telling New Year's Eve I got a lot of dirt. Hehe I love that place!

My new down comforter FINALLY arrived today. It already looks 500 times fluffier on my bed than my old one. It LOOKS warm. I am very excited about using it! Damn straight! Plus my sheets are freshly washed...and ain't nothing better than clean sheets!

Bob just e-mailed me...with a Ticketmaster link for (DRUMROLL PLEASE!) Ludacris at the State Theater in March. Four words were written to me, "We are so going." Yes, be there or be square cause Luda got somethin' to say! I guarentee, however, I will NOT be at the front of that pit.

I watched American Wedding tonight. I had not seen it. I was, well, kinda disappointed. Not nearly as funny as the first two American Pie movies. The deleted scenes made me cringe and I made my dad stop watching them.

I need to go returning tomorrow. TJ Maxx...Kohl's. Plus, I am getting the "end of season clearance itches." Never had those before? Treatment is sometimes costly...